Have you taken inventory of your medicine cabinets lately? Now that
summer lawn and garden care is in full swing, are you properly storing
pesticide containers? When you tidy up around the house, do you
put food, liquor, and tobacco products safely out of harm's way?
These precautions are second nature to households with children,
but homes with animals must be just as secure. Let's tour a typical
home and see what we find.
If you suspect your animal
may have ingested any of the substances on this list or if you pet
shows any of the symptoms indicated below, you should consider the
situation a medical emergency and should contact your veterinarian
immediately. Be sure to bring any containers or the remains of any
substance you think your pet may have swallowed with you.
identified as malathion, diazinon, and fenthion, and carbamates,
most commonly known as carbaryl and carbofuran, are neurological
poisons found in lawn and garden pesticides and flea and tick products.
Signs of toxicity include apprehension, excessive salivation, urination,
defecation, vomiting and diarrhea, and pinpoint pupils. If an animal
has absorbed enough of any neurological toxin, sudden death may
be the only sign.
Pyrethrins and pyrethroids,
both natural and synthetic, are also neurological poisons. Natural
names include pyrethrin I and II. Synthetic compounds include allethrin,
resmethrin, and permethrin. They are found in insecticidal aerosols,
dips, shampoos, and house and garden products. Signs of ingestion
includeexcessive salivation, vomiting, diarrhea, tremors, and hyperexcitability
or depression.
Coumarins, most
recognizable as D-Con, a rat and mouse poison, affect the ability
of the blood to clot. Mice that consume the poisoned grain essentially
bleed to death. Your pets will be affected the same way, and the
severity of the symptoms often depends on the amount ingested. Even
cats who eat poisoned mice can become ill. If you find an empty
box, look for labored breathing, anorexia, nosebleeds, bloody urine
or feces, and pinpoint hemorrhages on the gums.
Tobacco products
cause excitement, salivation, vomiting, muscle weakness, and coma
or death, and the toxic effects can develop within minutes. Marijuana
causes involuntary muscle movements, depression or excitability,
trembling, and salivation. Large amounts can be fatal.
Aspirin and other
pain relievers are in every home, and these poisonings can be severe.
When aspirin is prescribed for animals, the dosage must be strictly
followed. Too much aspirin can lead to anemia and gastric hemorrhage.
Ibuprofen and naproxen will cause painful gastrointestinal problems.
One 200mg ibuprofen tablet is toxic to a small dog.
Never give acetaminophen
to a cat or dog. In cats the drug affects oxygen in the blood, and
it produces severe depression and abdominal pain in dogs. If not
quickly eliminated from the body, just two extra-strength tablets
in 24 hours will most likely kill a small pet. Clinical signs in
cats develop within one or two hours and include excessive salivation,
paw and facial swelling, depression, and ash-gray gums. In dogs
watch for anorexia, vomiting, depression, and abdominal pain. High
doses are usually fatal.
Garbage is not often regarded
as poisonous. After all, many animals find compost attractive. But
toxins are produced by bacteria fermenting the garbage. Rapid and
severe signs include vomiting, bloody diarrhea, painful abdominal
distention, shivering, shock, and collapse.
How should pets be protected
from these poisons? Some very simple rules to follow are:
• Properly dispose
of and store all pesticide containers up and out of sight of your
pets. Make sure the lids are tight, the containers undamaged.
• Use cords or locking lids for garbage cans. Put them in
a heavy frame to prevent knock-down.
• Keep pets off lawns
sprayed with chemicals. Consult with the lawn care company for proper
information on drying time and compounds used. Wash pets' feet with
mild soap and water if exposed.
• Keep your pets out
of vegetable and flower gardens.
• Encase compost piles
or use commercially made containers.
• Never assume that
a human drug is applicable to an animal unless a veterinarian instructs
you to use it.
What is poisonous?
Here is a quick reference guide to the more common house and garden
plants and foods that are toxic to most all animals and children.
If you have these plants or foods, you need not dispose of them-just
keep them away from pets and children.
C = cardiovascular toxin
GI = gastrointestinal toxin
R = respiratory toxin
N = neurological toxin
KO = kidney/organ failure
* = Substance is especially dangerous and can be fatal.
Alcohol (all beverages, ethanol,
methanol, isopropyl) = N
Almonds* (kernel in the pit contains cyanide) = R
Amaryllis bulb* = GI, N
Anthurium* = KO
Apricot* (kernel in the pit contains cyanide) = R
Autumn crocus (Colchicum autumnale)* = GI, C, VERY POISONOUS
Avocado (leaves, seeds, stem, skin)* = C, FATAL TO BIRDS, KO
Azalea (entire rhododendron family) = C, GI, N
Begonia* = KO
Bird of Paradise = GI
Bittersweet = GI
Bleeding heart* = C
Boxwood = GI
Bracken fern = N
Buckeye = GI, N
Buttercup (Ranunculus) = GI
Caffeine = GI, N
Caladium * = KO
Calla lily* = KO
Castor bean* (can be fatal if chewed) = GI, C, N
Cherry (kernel in the pit contains cyanide) = R
Chinese sacred or heavenly bamboo* = R, contains cyanide
Chocolate* = GI, N
Choke cherry, unripe berries* = R, contains cyanide
Chrysanthemum (a natural source of pyrethrins) = GI, N
Clematis = GI
Crocus bulb = GI, N
Croton (Codiaeum sp.) = GI
Cyclamen bulb = GI
Delphinium, larkspur, monkshood* = N
Dumb cane (Dieffenbachia)* = GI, R, severe mouth swelling
Elderberry, unripe berries* = R, contains cyanide
English ivy (All Hedera species of ivy) = GI
Fig (Ficus) = General allergan, dermatitis
Four-o'clocks (Mirabilis) = GI
Foxglove (Digitalis)* = C, can be fatal
Garlic* (raw or spoiled) = GI
Hyacinth bulbs = GI
Hydrangea* = R, contains cyanide
Holly berries = GI
Iris corms = GI
Jack-in-the-pulpit* = KO
Jimson weed* = R
Kalanchoe* = C, can be fatal
Lantana* = KO (liver failure)
Lily (bulbs of most species) = GI
Lily-of-the-valley* = C, can be fatal
Lupine species = N
Marijuana or hemp (Cannabis)* = N, GI, can be fatal
Milkweed* = C
Mistletoe berries* = N, C, shock
Morning glory* = N, Seeds toxic to birds
Mountain laurel = C
Narcissus, daffodil (Narcissus) = GI
Oak* (remove bark for use as a bird perch) = KO
Oleander* = C, very poisonous, can be fatal
Onions* (raw or spoiled) = GI
Peach* (kernel in the pit contains cyanide) = R
Pencil cactus/plant* (Euphorbia sp.) = GI, dermatitis
Philodendron (all species)* = KO
Poinsettia (many hybrids, avoid them all) = GI, dermatitis
Potato (leaves and stem) = GI, N
Rhubarb leaves* = KO
Rosary Pea (Arbus sp.)* (Can be fatal if chewed) = GI, C, N
Scheffelera (umbrella plant)* = KO
Shamrock (Oxalis sp.)* = KO
Spurge (Euphorbia sp.) = GI
Tomatoes (leaves and stem) = GI, N
Yew* = C, fatal to most animals