A cat is a great family pet
if you are at work all day and haven't enough time for a dog. However,
although people often think cats are aloof and independent don't
forget they do like human company and can get lonely on their own.
Cats are also very long-lived and 12-15 years is now a common lifespan.
If you buy a kitten for your kids remember the cat will still be
part of the family long after your children have left home! Cats
tend to roam a lot and can easily get hit by cars so veterinary
care can be expensive - don't forget to budget for veterinary bills.
Consider taking out pet insurance to cover against major illness
or accidents.
How To Choose?
Where To Look?
The Pet For Your Pet?
Buying a Kitten Sight
You can buy a cat you have never seen if it´s a rare or unusual
breed that you´ve had your heart set on. But this sort of
transaction requires a lot of trust by both parties, and you want
to be sure you are dealing with a reputable breeder. If your have
a trusted breeder then go ahead with the purchase, and have the
cat shipped to you through an airline. Also see the cat travel tips
on traveling by air in the "Travelling"
Testing a Kittens Personality
How to learn about a kitten´s temperament:
Play with the kitty
- take the kitten away from her
littermates to evaluate her interest level.
Check out her personality
and how she reacts to you.
Don´t just take
the first kitten you see - take your time and
check them all out. The one you pass up may have been a better
match for you.
Bring some toys
to see how playful the kitten is, if she is
unafraid of people, and is outgoing and not shy.
Ideal Age to Adopt a
Kittens benefit from the extra time with the brothers and sisters
for the first twelve to fourteen weeks, so most people think that´s
the ideal age to adopt a kitten. Some breeders will not let their
kittens go to their new home before the age of 14 or even 16 weeks,
because that´s when the kitten´s immune system is fully
developed, and that gives the kitten a good amount of time to be
nicely socialized.
What to consider in a
Many people make their choices based on a kittens looks. Some people
prefer longhairs over shorthairs, calicoes over gray tabbies or
hairless over bobtails. Looking for a beautiful cat is no problem,
but make sure your kitty is more than just gorgeous. You need a
cat that has a temperament you can live with, and that most importantly,
that he´s had adequate cat health care. Evaluating both of
these things takes a little time.