Finding A Breeder
Here are some tips on finding a breeder near
- There are several cat magazines that list
breeders for most of the popular cat breeds. Some are: Cats, Cat
Fancy, Cats USA, Kittens USA, I Love Cats, Pet Life, Your Cat.
sites - You can search the web for cat breeders and
other resources.
Clubs - Contact local and national breed clubs to locate
reputable breeders. To find breed clubs near you, contact one of
the national or international cat associations.
Shows - Check local newspapers, cat magazines, breed
club periodicals, or search the web for cat shows being held near
- Most vets can tell you who the reputable cat breeders
are, and if their cats are healthy.
Ads - Some reputable cat breeders use the classified
ads, but be aware that there are "bad" breeders listed
there too, so you should thouroughly investigate their operation
before buying any of their cats.
Some Questions for Breeders
You can discover a lot about a breeder just by asking some questions,
for example:
• How many years have
you been breeding cats?
• How many cat breeds do you currently have?
• How large is your cat breeding operation?
• Can I see where your cats and kittens spend most of their
• What congenital defects are present in this breed?
• May I have any cat or kitten checked out by my vet before
I adopt?
• What happens if the cat gets sick? Is there a health guarantee?
• Is this cat "pet quality" or "show quality",
and why?
Any good breeder welcomes your questions -
it signals to them that you are a caring buyer and gives them some
reassurance that their cats would be going to a good home.