The history
of the cat is an interesting tale with twists
and turns at every few hundred years.
The cat has been worshiped, adored, loathed, and persecuted by humans
throughout time. To understand cats' place in todays society, it
is important to know how the relationship between cats and humans
- Cat Ancestors
- Spread Of Cats
- Domestication Of Cats
Newton´s Cats
Sir Issac Newton is credited with creating the cat
door or cat flap for the convenience of his pets.
Ancestor Of The Long Haired Cats
According to some authorities,
the long-haired breeds may have sprung from the Asian wildcat, F.
Cats In Ancient China
In Ancient China, cats were revered for
their ability to rid homes of vermin and pests, but at the same
time were also feared for the evil spirits that would accompany
them into a home. Ceramic cat figurines were used to ward off the
evil spirits, but were used for pratical reasons, as well. Hollowed
figurines with a candle inside to make the eyes and mouth glow were
used to scare rats away at night,
Cats In Pompeii
Several mosaics depicting cats were found in Pompeii, but the works
are considered Egyptian in origin, because no accredited feline
remains have been found in the ruins. The mosiacs depicted tabby
striped/spotted cats.
Evolution Of The Shorthair Cat
Most authorities believe that the short-haired breeds are derived
from the Caffre cat, F. libyca, a species of African wildcat domesticated
by the ancient Egyptians perhaps as early as 2500 BC and transported
by the Crusaders to Europe, where it interbred with the indigenous
smaller wildcats.
Ancient Egypt
In Anciet Egypt, from 1580–390 BC, cats were held in high
esteem due to the sect associated with Bast, a female goddess with
the head of a cat. They lived lives of leisure, protected by law,
and were embalmed after their death. In the late 19th century, 300,000
feline mummies were found at the site of Ben Hasai. Unfortunately,
most of those mummies were exported back to England as fertilizer.
Ancient Egyptians Hunted With Cats
Tomb paintings in Egypt show that the cats of antiquity were tabby
striped/spotted, and were used in hunting birds and game. Theories
suggest that the cats were used to flush game out of the brush.
Attached to leashes, these animals
hunted birds for the family table; a boomerang flung by the master
brought the birds down and the cats, unleashed, would retrieve them.
Out of Egypt and to Europe
It is believed that the spread of cats from Egypt to the Mediterranean
area and Europe is a result of Phonecian traders ignoring Egyptian
laws and smuggling them out. Cats did not attain as high a stature
in Greece or Rome because those cultures already had vermin catchers
in domesticated weasels, martens and/or polecats.
Cats as Chinese Pest Controllers
Chinese farmers and peasants revered the cat, because they protected
the crops and food stores from rats and other pests. Some evidence
suggests there was actually a feline diety known as Li Shou which
was worshipped as a divine pest controller.