Cat Ancestors
Origins of the Cat-The most
likely candidate for the ancient ancestor of the domestic cat is
Martelli's wild cat (Felis lumensis), a species which is now extinct.
About 600,000 to 900,000 years ago it probably gave rise to another
species, Felis silvestris, from which three distinct types evolved
according to the region and environment which they lived in. These
were the central European or Forest wild cat (F. silvestris silvestris),
the Asiatic desert cat (F. silvestris ornata) and the African wild
cat (F. silvestris lybica). The African wild cat inhabited most
of Asia and North Africa, and because the process of domestication
of the cat occurred mainly in the Middle East, the African wild
cat was almost certainly the principle ancestor of the modern domestic
cat. Consider the environment and diet of the African wild cat then
try to relate that to how we care for our pet cats.