The Peterbald is a breed of Russian hairless cats.Peterbalds
look very elegant and slim and have a distinctive head: narrow and
long with a straight profile, almond-shaped eyes, and big set-apart
ears. Peterbald cats look much like hairless Oriental Shorthair
Peterbalds usually have sweet
temper and they are peaceful, curious, smart and energetic. Peterbalds
love their family members and need to communicate with them; they
do not belong to an independent kind of cats. Peterbalds live in
harmony with another cats and pets and also with children. They
are also not vindictive and all that makes peterbalds an excellent
companion cats.
The Peterbald breed was founded
in the end of 1994 in St.-Petersburg, Russia as a result of experimental
mating of Don hairless (Don Sphynx or Donskoy) male called Afinogen
Myth and Oriental Shorthair female World Champion Radma von Jagerhov.
The breed was created by a well known Russian felinologist Olga
S. Mironova. First two litters gave four peterbald kittens: Mandarin
iz Murino, Muscat iz Murino, Nezhenka iz Murino and Nocturne iz
Murino. These four peterbalds are founders of the breed.
In 1996, the breed was adopted
in Russian Selectional Feline Federation (SFF) with a standard and
an abbreviation PBD. In 1997 it was adopted in The International
Cat Association (TICA) with abbreviation PB, and in 2003 in World
Cat Federation (WCF) with abbreviation PBD. Used handles of the
breed are: PBD, PTB, PD and PSX.
These days the breed develops
in the direction of modern Oriental and Siamese type, that is long
muzzle, set apart big ears, flat cheek bones, elegant body on long
legs. This is why all standards for this breed encourages mating
with Oriental and Siamese cats and semi-longhair variations of those
(balinese and javanese).