Giving time
Everybody loves
kittens! They're adorable--soft and fluffy, adventuresome and playful,
comical and crazy. They are irresistible, but a kitten may not be
the right choice for you. Even long-time cat owners sometimes forget
that having a kitten in the house is much like inviting a toddler
to live with you. Suddenly your home becomes a feline Disneyland.
From the kitten's point-of-view everything is created for his enjoyment.
Curtains are made for climbing (as are legs--with or without pants),
cords and wires are made for batting at and chewing on, everything
is meant for tasting, and moving targets (including feet and ankles)
are made for pouncing on and biting. Does adopting a kitten still
sound like fun?
the answer is affirmative and you are willing to kitten-proof your
house, then a kitten may be a good choice for you. The kitten will
be healthier and happier if he has a playmate, so get two! Believe
it or not, there will be less wear and tear on your house and on
you if your kitten has a friend to chase around. Kittens that enjoy
playing with each other quickly learn to control their playful aggression.
Bite too hard and you lose your playmate--a valuable lesson and
one that you will appreciate when they get their grown-up teeth.
The goofy kitten stage is short-lived, at six months Kitty is looking
like, and acting in many ways like, an adult. For some people the
best idea is to by-pass the kitten stage all together and to adopt
an adult.
If there is an elderly person living in your home or a child under
the age of five, an adult cat, rather than a kitten, is the better
choice for your family. Kittens have a way of getting under foot
and their playful attacks can easily pierce the skin of a senior
citizen. They learn to retract their claws and to inhibit their
biting as they mature, but until that time, Grandma and Junior can
sustain considerable damage.
children can pose a substantial threat to the health and well-being
of the kitten as well. Naturally children want to pick up and hold
the only living creature that they've met that is smaller than they
are. When the kitten squirms to get away, they squeeze harder to
keep the kitten in their arms. The kitten may sustain internal injuries
and the child may be bitten or scratched. Constant supervision is
necessary to prevent such tragedies.
Families with
small children would be better off selecting an adult, neutered
male with a laid-back personality for their family pet. Males generally
tolerate handling better than females and if the cat is over 18
months old, the personality and temperament are already well established--"what
you see is what you get". Often pet owners adopt a friendly,
cuddly, kitten only to discover that as the youngster matures, the
personality may also change (due to the influence of the father's
In a survey conducted
by the Massachusetts SPCA 40% of the respondents chose not too adopt
an older pet because they felt that it couldn't be trained. This
is an unfortunate misconception because many older pets are already
well socialized and have had some good training. Even those who
haven't can be very responsive to behavior modification techniques.