When you first take a kitten home feed it on the same food it has
been used to. A sudden change of diet combined with the stress of
adapting to a new home can cause stomach upsets and diarrhoea.
If you want to change the diet, do so gradually by mixing it with
the kitten's usual food. Kittens have small stomachs and have to
be fed little and often, like babies. It can be very difficult to
put together a homemade diet which provides all the nutrients required
by growing kittens - it is a great deal easier to feed a good quality
commercial kitten food and spend the time playing with the kitten
instead! There are foods which have been specially formulated for
kittens because they have different nutritional needs to the fully
grown cat. Read and follow the feeding instructions carefully. If
the food is marked 'complete' it contains everything the kitten
needs to stay healthy. If it is marked 'complementary' it does not
supply all the kitten needs and should be fed with other foods.
Kittens aged 8-12 weeks need
four meals a day, 3-6 months three meals, and kittens over 6 months
old, two meals. You may want to provide some dry food on an ad lib
basis - it depends very much on your lifestyle, what your kitten
likes and is used to and if you have other cats in the house with
certain feeding routines and habits.
Do not give your kitten cow's
milk as it can cause diarrhoea. If you wish to feed milk use one
that is specially formulated for cats. Diarrhoea that persists for
more than 24 hours requires veterinary attention. Fresh drinking
water should be available at all times. See also Taking
Care Of Nutrition for detailed information.