Taking Your Cat Outdoors
Your kitten should not be allowed
outside until at least a week after it has finished its first course
of vaccinations at about 13 - 14 weeks old (depending on the vaccine).
Once it is fully vaccinated
and has become used to life in your house, you can start to let
your kitten go outside. Choose a dry day (if possible) and a quiet
time and accompany your kitten outside, allowing it to explore the
new environment. Continue to accompany the kitten until it is used
to your garden and can find its way back to the house without difficulty.
It is best not to leave your kitten outside alone until it is 6
months old.
Cats like to come and go
as they please. A cat flap allows them to do this. If you fit a
cat flap you won't need a litter tray indoors when the kitten grows
up. You can teach your kitten to use a cat flap by propping it open
initially and enticing it through with food. Gradually close it
down so the kitten learns to push the flap. If you already own a
cat be aware that the kitten may watch and learn and let itself
outside before you are ready - kittens learn quickly by watching
other cats.
To prevent neighbourhood
cats from coming into your house, you can buy a cat flap which will
only open for your cat. The flap is operated by magnetic or electronic
keys on your cat's collar.
Cat collars
When your kitten becomes older (over
6 months old) you may like to fit a collar on so that he has some
form of identification or to carry a magnet or 'key' to an electronic
cat flap - never put on a collar just for the sake of wearing one.
Collars must be fitted carefully - kittens are very active and inquisitive
while growing up and can easily get the collar hooked on a tree
branch or fence or the kitten can get its front leg caught up in
the collar and injuries can occur. 'Snap open' collars will reduce
the likelihood of the cat becoming entangled should a problem occur.
For a young, rapidly growing cat you will need to remember to check
the collar's fit (you should be able to get one or two fingers under
the collar) and increase its size accordingly. Flea collars are
not the best way to deal with flea problems and can be an added
danger to curious kittens intent on climbing or squeezing into small
spaces where they may get caught up. You may also want to consider
having your cat microchipped for identification purposes.
Hazards in the home
Kittens are very inquisitive creatures
and will investigate small, dark places which they can crawl into.
For this reason, should your kitten go missing for any length of
time, you should look in cupboards, wardrobes, outside sheds etc
in case it has accidentally been shut in or got stuck.
Keep the washing machine
and tumble dryer door shut when not in use and check them before
putting the clothes in.
If your kitten is a plant
nibbler then remove any plants which may be poisonous, for example
Dieffenbachia (dumb cane), Poinsettia, Lily of the Valley, Christmas
Cherry, Castor Oil plant, Avocado plant, rubber plant and ivy. Most
cats will not touch such plants but kittens may be more inquisitive.
If you live in a flat above
ground level or have a house with several storeys keep the windows
shut to ensure that kittens do not fall out.
Outdoors keep garden chemicals
stored safely and take care if using slug bait or chemicals on the
garden itself - some types can be very toxic to animals.