Litterbox Training
Cats are very fussy about their
toilet habits and kittens will usually have learnt to use a litter
tray by copying their mother. You may just need to show your new
kitten where the litter tray is and place it on the tray on waking
up from a sleep and after meals, or when the kitten is sniffing,
scratching or beginning
to crouch and looks as if it is about to go!
You will need a plastic litter
tray which can be filled with sand, peat or cat litter available
from pet shops. Earth from the garden should never be used for unvaccinated
kittens as it may harbour diseases
from other cats which have used it as a toilet. The tray should
be placed on newspaper to catch any litter pushed over the side
during digging - a large tray will prevent such problems. If you
intend to let your kitten out to use the garden in the future then
a simple open tray will suffice for the few weeks involved. If you
intend the cat to continue to use the tray then you may want to
purchase one of the covered types with a lid which gives the cat
more privacy, stops smells from escaping and prevents mess with
the litter.
Place the tray in a quiet
accessible corner where your kitten will not be disturbed. Make
sure that the litter tray is not next to food and water bowls. The
kitten may be reluctant to use the litter tray if it is too close
to its food.
The litter tray must be kept
clean and emptied regularly. Some disinfectants (like Dettol) which
go cloudy in water are toxic to cats, so use only hot water and
detergent when cleaning out the tray or ensure you use a cat-friendly
disinfectant such as bleach which has been diluted as the manufacturer
recommends and the tray rinsed thoroughly before use.
If your kitten is inclined
to mess elsewhere in the house, confine it to one room with a litter
tray until the kitten learns to use it regularly. Place the kitten
on the litter tray a short time after it has eaten or when it is
sniffing, scratching, beginning to crouch and generally showing
signs of looking for a suitable corner to use as a toilet.
If the kitten is reluctant
to use the tray it could be because:
It is not clean enough - empty it more often
It is not big enough - it should be big enough for an adult cat
to turn around in and to use more than once without getting dirty
You have cleaned it out with a chemical that is too strong smelling
• It
is too near the bed or food bowls
The kitten does not like the texture of the litter you have chosen
- revert to the type it has used before. More information on soiling
• When
your kitten starts to go outside more often, gradually move the
litter tray towards the door. A few handfuls of cat litter from
the tray spread onto well dug soil in the garden will encourage
the kitten to dig there. Do not remove the litter tray from indoors
until your kitten has started using the garden.