No doubt about it, if you
have a cat, he's likely had hairballs. Most cat owners know the
signs: the hacking noises, the yellowish spots on the carpeting.
As unpleasant as the experience may be for you, after all you're
the one who has to clean it, keep in mind that it's also very unpleasant
for your cat. In fact, hairballs can sometimes prove deadly, causing
breathing problems for your cat and actually suffocating him if
not treated. So just how can you keep your cat safe and prevent
hairballs?By far, the very best way to prevent hairballs is with
regular brushing. To understand why, you must understand why cats
get hairballs in the first place. Cats are very clean creatures
who are constantly grooming themselves. In fact, it's estimated
that cats spend nearly 30% of their lives grooming themselves. During
the grooming process, cats take in some hair which, not being digestible,
ends up just sitting in the stomach. Once in the stomach it churns
and churns until it's one big mound of hair, digestive acids and
mucous that will eventually need to be purged. At that point, the
cat then throws it up.Regardless of whether your cat's a shorthair
or a longhair, he'slikely to get hairballs,
though longhaired cats tend to get them more frequently. Brushing
your cat on a regular basis will remove excess hair that would otherwise
end up in your cat's tummy and turn into a hairball. Sometimes,
though, brushing alone doesn't always do it. In that case, there
are several hairball remedies on the market that work well. These
tend to look like a brown-colored petroleum jelly that work by coating
the hair in the stomach and helping it to pass through your cat's
system. Most cat's will readily lap it up. You can also find special
food and treats that are designed to help combat hairball build-up.