Does your cat nibble your wool sweaters down to fuzzy nubs? If he
does, you're not alone. Enough animals eat nonfood materials that
the behavior has been given a name—pica. While pica generally
isn't dangerous, it can cause intestinal obstructions if your cat
eats too much. It also can mean the destruction of blankets, clothing,
furniture, and more if it's not controlled.Pica is defined as an
abnormal compulsion to eat things that aren't usually eaten. It
occurs rarely in humans, usually kids who eat the occasional handful
of dirt. It's also a relatively rare phenomenon in dogs. Some cats,
however—particularly Oriental breeds like Siamese and Burmese—will
repeatedly chow on everything from phone cords to shower curtains,
though their most common snack is wool and other fabrics. Why?
There are several theories
on why cats like to chew on wool and other materials. Some behaviorists
and veterinarians believe that it starts when kittens are weaned
too early or too abruptly. The kittens then suck on fabric to soothe
themselves; the sucking gradually turns into chewing. Other veterinary
specialists think that dietary deficiencies, such as a lack of fat
or insoluble fiber, drive cats to seek the missing nutrients in
strange foods. Eating inappropriate things may also be a result
of stress, anxiety, or boredom. Neurological disorders and illnesses
such as pancreatitis can also cause this behavior. Pica may even
be caused by a combination of two or more of these factors
How to save your sweaters
Though you may never know exactly why your
cat snacks on your favorite blazer, there are ways you can discourage
him.Deter him. You can make chewed objects unattractive by spraying
them with vinegar, hot-pepper sauce, or bitter apple, a bitter-tasting
liquid you can buy at most pet stores. You can dab a certain brand
of cologne or air freshener on everything you spray; soon your cat
will associate the smell of the cologne with the bad taste and will
avoid chewing any object you've put cologne on. The bad news is
that deterring your cat from chewing one kind of material—your
wool sweaters for example—may simply drive him to find a new
favorite food—such as your leather shoes or your cotton sheets.
You may also need to try one of the ideas below to help end the
behavior itself.Keep your cat occupied. A bored cat is much more
likely to start gnawing than a busy one. Make sure he has plenty
to play with, both when you're home and when you're not. Try leaving
him a toy on a string that hangs from a doorknob, or a ball that
dispenses treats or food when it's played with. Cat trees—tall,
carpeted structures with lots of shelves and arms for your cat to
climb—are another good option. Also, give your cat a long
play session (20 minutes or more) in the evening and another in
the morning, if possible. If he's tired he's less likely to chew.Help
him relax. Stressed-out kitties will engage in strange behaviors
just to calm themselves. If a recent move or a new member or the
household—human or nonhuman—has stirred things up at
home, try to keep things as quiet and familiar as possible. Make
sure your cat has plenty of his favorite toys and blankets around
and that he has a small, comfortable refuge to retreat to when he
gets nervous. His cat carrier, placed in a corner in a closet, may
work well.Supplement his diet. Some cat owners have been able to
stop wool chewing by adding lanolin—an oil found in wool—to
their cat's food. Others have had success mixing a little fiber
into the food. Consult your veterinarian before you change your
pet's food, however, as some dietary changes can cause an upset
stomach or other health problems.Give him healthy things to chew.
Try giving your cat smaller, more frequent feedings, so he'll have
something in his bowl when he wants something to nibble. You might
want to try a timed food dispenser, which you could set to release
a small amount of food every few hours. You can also grow a cat
garden so he'll have grass to chew. You can buy preplanted gardens
at some pet stores, or you can grow one yourself by planting a pot
of rye or wheat, with a little catnip mixed in.You may need more
than one of these techniques-or all of them-to slow down or eliminate
pica, but it can be done. If you need help, your veterinarian or
a behaviorist can design a program to retrain your fuzzy buddy.
Most important is that you be patient, and keep your sweaters out
of reach!