While plants at home might make
your house
look very nice, they pose a great risk for your cats if ingested.
Many of these plants are poisonous to cats. Ask your veterinarian
for better advice as to which plants are dangerous for your cat
and which ones are not. If your cat does develop the habit of eating
your house plants, there are certain things that you can do to teach
your cat to stay away from your plants.
Start by all plants so that they're inaccessible to your cat and
purchase a kitty garden for your cat. Train your cat to use her
kitty garden. You can also hide some pieces of your cat's favorite
treat or food in her little garden to make it even more appealing.
Once your cat has become used to eating from her own garden, you
can then reintroduce your plants into the rest of your house. You
might want to test your cat first to see if her plant-eating habits
have stopped. Begin by bringing in one plant and spray its leaves
on one side with hot sauce and on the other side with your perfume.
The perfume will attract your cat. If your cat approaches the perfume-scented
plant and decides to eat one of the leaves, the taste of the hot
sauce will be very unpleasant for your cat and will most likely
prevent her from wanting to eat any of that plant's leaves ever
Still, keep an eye on your
cat and her reaction during the following days. If your cat chooses
to take a bite of another leave, the experience will be just as
unpleasant as it was the first time, though it is very unlikely
your cat will want to taste another leave again. Your cat will know
that she can find and eat better tasting plants from her kitty garden.
If your cat does not approach the plant again, bring in the next
plant but only spray the leaves with your perfume. If your cat approaches
the plant, the scent will be similar to the first plant and your
cat should not be interested in it. After this, you can start bringing
in the rest of your plants. You can periodically spray them with
your perfume to prevent your cat from being interested in them.