A cat's social nature can
also be quite complex and a bit difficult for us to understand.
Unlike humans and other animals ,
cats do not usually tend to be group animals. They are more prone
to be private and solitary. However, this does not mean that cats
cannot live with other cats or that they do not adapt well into
a family. Cats do adapt well and much of their adaptation process
is established while they are still kittens. They do fit into groups,
but in a different way than we might think. Cats are somewhat selfish
creatures. They are not pack animals by nature and, therefore, there
is no pressure for them to comply with or obey the will of others.
Cats like to rule their own lives. It may, then, seem somewhat difficult
to train a cat and, in fact, most cats will only respond to training
if what you are trying to get them to do is appealing to them.
However possessive cats might
seem, there is something peculiar about their behavior: they will
go to great lengths to avoid confrontation with other cats. There
is no need among cats to establish dominance because, as already
mentioned, they are not pack animals and therefore do not need to
fight to set up a hierarchy. Most cats prefer to avoid each other
in an effort to avoid any possible reason for confrontation. The
only time they will fight will be to protect their territory, but
not any further. And even when this happens, it is mostly only a
spectacle of threats rather than an actual physical fight.