The Power of the
Purring in cats first occurs at about
one week of age. It serves as a signal to the nursing mother cat
that all is well with her babies and that the milk supply is reaching
its destination. She, in turn, purrs, letting the kittens know that
she too is in a relaxed and cooperative mood. It is believed that
purring among adult cats and between adult cats and humans is derived
from this primal parent-offspring context. Contentment is not the
sole condition for purring, however. A more precise explanation
is that purring signals a friendly social mood and can be employed
by an injured cat to indicate the need for friendship. It has been
observed that cats in great pain often purr loud and long and can
hardly be considered to be contented. Unlike our small domestic
cats that purr with both inward and outward breaths (with their
mouths firmly shut), their large cousins--the lions and tigers,
can only sputter out a friendly "one-way purr" when greeting
friends. However, the big cats have a feature that compensates for
their inability to purr--they can roar! (Something our miniature
house-bound tigers would undoubtedly love to do.)