Sharing the Turf
The wild counterpart of the domestic cat has
a large territory, with males patrolling about 150 acres and females,
about 15 acres. With the provision of food by humans and the elimination
of the mating behavior (by spaying and neutering), the territory
of our house cats can shrink to a fraction of the space utilized
by their country cousins. The wide variation in the size of feline
territories is a tribute to just how flexible
the cat can be. There is a limit, however, to what even the most
adaptable cat can handle, especially when the already restrictive
environment is diminished further by the addition of multiple feline
companions. (An average-sized home with three indoor cats has a
feline density of about 30,000 individuals per square mile.)It's
hard to see life from the cat's point of view, but try to imagine
yourself living in a society where there were no property rights.
Anyone could move into your home at any time without your permission.
The first new residents might be kind of fun to have around as company.
As the population increased, you found that you were in competition
to use the bathroom, someone was always eating the food you had
saved for your supper, and even your bed was occasionally claimed
by a newcomer. Do you think that this situation would make you frustrated
and irritable, stressed to the point that even your friends might
want to avoid you?
It's no surprise that tensions occasionally erupt in multicat households.
Cats adapt to living with one another to varying degrees. In some
cases intercat aggression can escalate to the point where certain
cats become social outcasts, or "pariahs". These frightened
felines may be so intimidated that they won't leave their hiding
places to eat or use the litterbox. Even a cat that tolerates several
housemates may become aggressive with the addition of one more cat.
If you have given careful consideration to the effect of the addition
of a newcomer to your cat family and you feel that they can handle
one more, then here are some suggestions to make the turf more "cat
friendly":The first step in eliminating the stress of group
living is to make sure all of your cats are spayed and neutered.
Introductions are very important. Follow our suggestions for a systematic
and gradual introduction utilizing the principles of desensitization
and counterconditioning. Create feline hide-outs--special places
where cats can go to be alone. It can be as simple as a cardboard
box with a hole cut into it and soft bedding on the bottom. Make
use of the vertical space in your home by adding floor-to-ceiling
cat trees, window perches, and kitty condos. It has been observed
that cats living in groups are more comfortable if they can "layer"
themselves. Provide one litterbox per cat plus one and place them
in widely separated sites. Some cats will not use a litterbox if
other cats are nearby. Reduce competition at mealtimes by providing
several feeding stations. A more dominant cat can keep a shy cat
from the food bowl if there is only one location. Remember that
you are a very important part of your cats' territory (or turf)
and every day give each of your cats some time alone with
you for cuddling and loving attention